Our Scripted Lives

Stephanie Usry
3 min readNov 29, 2020

Imagine that in front of you there is just a blank screen and a blinking cursor, a cursor asking you to tell it what’s to come? What’s next? What this is all leading up to?

You probably hear the word script and think of the movies but I think of scripts as the unconscious expectations of our lives. Scripts are the narratives that guide us. Scripts are sneaky because they shape the subconscious stories that we live within.

We are all born into a vast network of overlapping, reinforcing, and even contradictory scripts that tell us how to live and who to be. There are overarching scripts that tell us that we are supposed to strive for success, familial and cultural scripts that tell us who we should be and how we should behave, and individual scripts that are made up from all the other influences in our lives.

The thing about most scripts is that we’re often unconscious to them. We live by their arcs without realizing their guiding influence. Their expectations are enforced from all around us. And even when we become conscious to our scripts, their power is that they keep us from changing.

What I believe is that becoming conscious about the scripts that drive you and then consciously choosing to write the script of your life is the most important, difficult, and exciting opportunity that living has to offer.

You know how you have had dreams of something you wanted to do in your life? It could be finally putting your writing out on the internet. Maybe it’s a bucket list item like moving to a new city? Or starting a business? And as much as you love the idea of it, what you’ve got going on now keeps you from it. Maybe you’ve told yourself it’s just not in the cards for you? Or you’ve been busy and just haven’t gotten to it yet…maybe you even have a sneaking suspicion you never will?

Give yourself permission to write the dream version of your life, not the one that’s been scripted for you.

I want you to give yourself permission to write the dream version of your life, not the one that’s been scripted for you. I want you to live in possibility and choice, to allow your curiosity to lead your forward. I want you to have the full permission to write your own story as you live it and to get comfortable in the risk that that decision may entail.

When someone asks you “What do you do?” I want you to be able to say: “I live on purpose.”

When someone asks you “What do you do?” I want you to be able to say: “I live on purpose.”

**Follow me on medium to hear what happened next — each week I’ll share a post that delves more into the car accident that changed my life, my recovery, and the lessons I’ve learned.**

